Brauche Hilfe!

Diese Anfrage kommt von Anne (
[gesendet am: Sa, 14. Aug 2004, 20:35]

Hallo da draußen! Nachdem mein halber Abi-Jahrgang
rucksackreisend unterwegs war, ist und sein wird, habe ich
wieder die Lust auf weite Ferne, fremde Kulturen, andere
Länder bekommen. Dieses Mal will ich es auf eigene FAust
versuchen -mehr oder weniger unabhängig von Organistionen
(schlechte Erfahrung gemacht!). Dementsprechend habe ich
versucht mich ein wenig zu informieren, bin aber unter der
Flut von Infos im I-Net zusammengebrochen! Ist denn da
jemand da draußen, der mir "Einsteiger-Tipps"
(Organisatorisches in Planung und REise; BESONDERS KANADA! -
oder Griechenland!) geben kann! Wäre extrem dankbar für
jegliche Hilfe!!! ... In VErzweiflung ;-) -Anne

[Es gibt 4 Antworten, der letzte Eintrag stammt vom Mo, 23. Jan 2017, 11:29]

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  1. Short, sweet, to the
    Gesendet von: Denver (
    [am: Mo, 9. Mai 2016, 19:00]

    Short, sweet, to the point, FREacexE-tly as information should be!

  2. I certainly wanted B
    Gesendet von: Elyza (
    [am: Mi, 11. Mai 2016, 18:53]

    I certainly wanted Bryan and Sheamus to get a solid 15 minutes to go. Here’s why I’m fundamentally not too upset about Sh/ckuseBryan:Chiamen shit heels lose and occasionally lose in embarassing ways. Daniel Bryan has been playing a chicken shit heel. He’s not the American Dragon character of his independent run. And from a dramatic standpoint having Bryan lose in quick short fashion after winning the title in quick, cheap fashion makes a certain amount of sense.If this leads to Bryan doing Conspiracy Theory Jericho, you aren’t going to complain. [url=]patfegv[/url] [link=]bjndsz[/link]

  3. ! As a young child
    Gesendet von: Keli (
    [am: So, 22. Jan 2017, 6:58]

    ! As a young child, I had 40 pen pals. Today, blogging is similar in that we keep in touch regularly. I have to admit that I first pataeciptrid in Photo Hunters to find "safe internet friends" with things that interested me. From some of those blogs, I found other ways to reach out. Bridges Between is my favorite meme --thanks for starting it. I am glad that the meaning for it isn't just physical water crossings.

  4. Your posting really
    Gesendet von: Matilda (
    [am: Mo, 23. Jan 2017, 11:29]

    Your posting really stngtahiered me out. Thanks! [url=]bqjigx[/url] [link=]jlxhwo[/link]

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