I hear you, Julia.

Diese Anfrage kommt von Twiggy (sj24f533@yahoo.com)
[gesendet am: Di, 27. Dez 2016, 21:11]

I hear you, Julia. I got fed up with conferences, especially those connected with the romance community, long ago. They are money-making endeavors, lining somebody’s pockets. Yet they manage to get free spw#reks&a8211;eho pay airfare, hotel and the conference fee, plus spend the hours it takes to put together a program or workshop– and free giveaways. The writers who get suckered in feel HONORED to be asked. No more.

[Es gibt 0 Antworten, der letzte Eintrag stammt vom Di, 27. Dez 2016, 21:11]

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